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Rainbow Kindred Bylaws

1. Inclusivity

Racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, ableism, bigotry of any kind, and/or harassment will NOT be tolerated. This applies both to language used with the Kindred, at Kindred activities, and outside your time with the Kindred. All allegations of such will be thoroughly investigated by the Kindred Council. This group will then determine the best way to handle the situation based on the specifics facts in the matter at hand. Possible punishments may include, but are not limited to: Being further educated on a topic (if lack of knowledge appears to be at the root of the issue), temporary suspension from group activities, or, in extreme circumstances, expulsion from the Kindred.

2. The Council

Rainbow Kindred is led by the Kindred Council, made up of 3 people as of April 26, 2017. The Council is responsible for performing the administrative and organizational work necessary to manage the Kindred, as well as maintaining frith and harmony. If you have any problems with another member, or any personal circumstances you wish to talk about, please message any or all of the Council and we will help you as best we can.

3. Voting Process

Decisions will be made by consensus vote of the group.

4. Loki

Anti-Lokean sentiment will NOT be tolerated in this Kindred, nor will ill-will towards those who work with His family. Individual members may be uncomfortable working with certain Gods, however they must be respectful of others’ practices . We are happy to discuss our position with others who will respectfully explain their own, but as this is our space to worship, we unfortunately cannot accept someone who villainizes Gods who have been very influential in the lives of many in Rainbow Kindred.

5. Ritual Leaders

The leaders for rituals and group study will rotate depending on the topic and ritual at hand. Please volunteer as you feel prepared!

6. Accountability

Please be friendly and welcoming to newcomers/outsiders. Unless someone gives you a reason to act otherwise, when you are acting as part of the Kindred, we should be as amicable as possible to others. Remember: You represent not only the Rainbow Kindred, but our Gods. Be respectful. You can disagree with someone without attacking them personally. There are going to be times where it is better to end the conversation than fight, to agree to disagree, or to just tell someone to piss off before you really lose your temper.

7. Membership

In order to maintain a close-knit and safe community, members must be 18 years or older, and complete a vetting process. Each full member may nominate up to two individuals for membership per year. After consensus vote for temporary admittance, each potential member will undertake a trial period of three weeks to determine their fit within the group. After the three-week trial, another consensus vote will occur to determine their membership status.

Bylaws: Ministries
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